
Anthropic Could See Investment Worth $2 Billion From Google

Google has gone on to double down on the artificial intelligence bets by investing close to $2 billion into Anthropic, an AI startup, according to a new report. It has been reported that Google has already invested close to $500 million to the startup- which is a rival to ChatGPT creators OpenAI- and will be paying off the remaining sum of $1.5 billion over time- as reported by the Wall Street Journal on the 27th October.

The report from the WSJ also cited quite a few people familiar with this particular matter. This mega-deal also adds on to the $550 million investment from Google into the startup earlier in 2023. Google Cloud also struck a multiyear deal with the startup just a few months ago- worth $3 billion. 

Anthropic Has Received $2 Billion In Funding From Google

Anthropic has been utilizing a lot of the investments to train the AI Systems, such as Claude, an AI assistant- in the hopes that the firm will be able to achieve the next mega breakthrough in the AI industry. On the other side of the coin lies OpenAI, which went on to receive over $13 billion in funding from Microsoft in 2019, and has been building far more advanced versions of the ChatGPT.

The popular chatbot went on to already amass over 100 million users within the first couple of months of launching back in November 2022, which then caught the attention of several venture capital firms worldwide- who were looking to invest in this space.

Anthropic’s co-founders, Dario and Daniel Amodei, were previously employed at OpenAI but then left in 2021 following the many disputes that they have had with the CEO of OpenAI of Sam Altman over major safety implications which are associated with the creation of AI systems.