
Dropbox Has Given Free Versions In The Same Manner LastPass Has A Limit On Free Users

Dropbox has now come out with something interesting. And perhaps something that makes more sense with the timing of its release?

Dropbox ‘dropped’ its new password application, which is free. And a challenge to Lastpass, maybe? By April, the company announced that everyone would be eligible to use Passwords absolutely for free. It will be regardless of whether the individual holds a premium/business tier package. About 50 credentials could be stored in the time-sensitive version of Passwords. 

Dropbox And The Passwords 

Today, Dropbox made an announcement stating that Passwords will be free for every user of it. But perhaps, Dropbox’s free option may not be as secure as others. 

The harder the passwords, the harder they are to remember. People often make simpler passwords for one account, and then for another, tweak the same password ever so slightly and use it. Well, bad actors who are up to no good can easily steal and access all of your accounts. 

Password management that is free sounds incredibly attractive to everyone. But people may just pass it on. Especially considering all of their accounts would be at risk at the same time. Passwords was launched last year by Dropbox but only for Professional or Plus users. Plus is 12 dollars monthly, and Professional jumps high up there with 22 dollars for a month. Plus has cloud storage of 2TB and Passwords— a standard edition. Professional has more advanced features like file recovery. 

LastPass, on the other hand, announced that the free service could only be used on either device— laptop or mobile. And that interested users will get only three chances to pick their favorite device style. Simply put, they want users to extend their usage by telling them to pay for the older services to remain as they were. 

Google or Apple to have their password management tools. But Dropbox simply seems a limited one.